Corporate culture

Corporate vision: develop national brands with the definition of "made in China",

In the field of new building materials, we will continue to innovate and gradually move from regional excellence to international excellence.

Enterprise spirit: Heaven rewards diligence, good deeds benefit the public

Enterprise philosophy: high quality, high efficiency and high quality

Corporate mission: create wealth, fulfill responsibilities and create an excellent brand with centennial development power for the nation;

For the government, solve problems, abide by discipline and law, and operate in good faith;

For customers, strive for better service and quality, and realize their own value in the process of achieving customers;

For partners, symbiosis, win-win, equal progress; Create a platform for employees to realize the value of life,

Fully experience rich and colorful life in a relaxed and happy environment.

Corporate personality: dare to serve the world

Enterprise style: always be entrepreneurial and never give up

Marketing concept: customer-centered, committed to the implementation of green marketing

Brand concept: born in Si, longer than Si, or destroyed in Si


Quality concept:

Quality is the soul. The foundation for an enterprise to settle down is to survive with quality and develop with reputation. The difference between products lies in and details. Only imperfect products, no picky customers.

Service concept: enthusiastic, proactive, fast and professional.

Safety concept:

Establish an enterprise safety image and promote safe and civilized production.

Safety is a responsibility for oneself, home and others.

Corporate culture:

Meiyijia creates a beautiful new life

Attitude determines everything, and details determine success or failure. Your conscious contribution is the glory of the company. Only when we have the courage to take responsibility can we take greater responsibility. Communicate more and complain less. More understanding, less argument.