
Packaging design makes the product go on the market is the sales leader!


Ilohas mineral water may not be very famous in China, but it was listed in Japan the year before last. It has won the best sales of mineral water, and even become a topic mineral water. The topic and economic effect have attracted the attention of major Japanese news media. Japan economic news calls this groundbreaking design "environmental protection that can be felt".

Can it be called groundbreaking design? What kind of mineral water is it?

At that time, the designer who just founded Canaria was given the opportunity to design a mineral water for Coca Cola. It was not well-known, and Tokuda attached great importance to this opportunity. After deep thinking, he prepared the design according to the two processes of sorting and visualization.

This means that designers need to make proposals for color and shape, formulate standards according to the current market situation, and capture consumers with sensibility. After that, all links such as aesthetic scenes such as packaging, logo and vision and commodity sales scenes will be considered for a complete post visual display.

Tokuda first observed other mineral water companies and found that most companies used the pure nature of water intake as their selling point.

For example, nongnongshan spring has gained a firm foothold and market in China from the beginning through the widely popular "nature Porter". (color fades)

However, when most similar products adopt this strategy, the blank market of a new product is not broad. So, can we change the rules of this mineral water design? Yoshiyuki Takita instead began to observe consumer awareness.

He found that at that time, Japan's awareness of environmental protection became more and more obvious, and more people began to pay attention to environmental protection, but more consumers who had environmental awareness but had not yet taken action.

At that time, similar mineral water bottles needed 20 mg of crude oil, while the environmental protection bottle of Tokuda Yousi only needed 12-13 mg. At the same time, the bottle body was thinner, which could save the space for garbage recycling after tightening.

However, it also makes the bottle look too fragile. Although the actual experiment does not affect the use, the change of visual effect makes many people feel that this is a fatal weakness, which directly affects the image in the hearts of consumers.

Based on this, Tokuda chose to show the process of how to use ilohas in product advertising design. The simple four-step process allowed consumers to see simple and fast environmental protection practices, and then extended vibrant plants in the tightened bottle body.

Even in the product logo, the green windmill of the introduction is selected, which also implies turning the bottle body.

With every day's twist and change the world as the slogan, it has successfully aroused topical discussion in Japan and become a mineral water brand with high sales volume. Even the delicate bottle body has become a feature of ilohas.

This is the product that has grasped the pain points and selling points. Ilohas successfully stabilized the market, and in the hearts of many consumers, buying ilohas is a convenient way to show their awareness of environmental protection.

Even the following new advertisements show the concept of natural water and the publicized concept of nature, which "only remove a small amount of impurities and harmful substances from the raw water, while retaining minerals and trace elements beneficial to the human body"., It restores the adventure of a drop of water in nature.

It is poetic and magnificent enough.

Tokuda Yousi always adheres to the "story" composed by products and consumers,

That is, stories. Designers need to be able to tell stories and express stories.

At present, there are two popular words in China: brand building and brand. This is actually different.

Brand building is to establish a brand, which includes many changes. Now consumers like the new and hate the old faster and faster, but designers should tell consumers what is constant and cultivate this awareness in the changing era, which is brand building.

Brand. That is, consumers' expectation and trust in products. Brand is value.

Designers should form distinctive designs. Not just color and shape, but philosophy.

Such a design is a qualified packaging design.
